Westmoor's Marching Band Places at Foothill

By Cindy Duong
Monday, October 29, 2007 11:48 AM

Congratulations to Westmoor's Marching band for placing 3rd in the Auxiliary category and 4th in the Band cagetory. Westmoor's Marching Band has participated in Foothill's Marching Band Competition for the second year in a row. Foothill's band review is not an easy competition. Westmoor competes against schools with experience and history in the marching band field. Not only does experience give them an upperhand, many schools also have the edge of money. The competition evalutes every aspect of marching; the judges make sure that everyones' pants are hemmed to the same length, that everyone's hat is at the same angle, that the rows are perfect, and that everything is perfectly uniform throughout the band.

For more pictures from Saturday, visit the Band's Website

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